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Women & Minority Workers

Minority workers and women workers represent large segments of Florida’s workforce, but often face extra barriers to achieving self-sufficiency. By paying attention to the needs of women and minority workers we can solve some of the most intractable problems of poverty and inequality.

Immigrants are an important part of Florida’s workforce and social and cultural fabric, but often face difficult challenges in achieving the American dream. RISEP continues to highlight the economic challenges for immigrants and has conducted special investigations into several industries where immigrants predominate in South Florida, such as construction, groundskeeping and maintenance work, and agriculture. Together with FIU’s Immigration and Ethnicity Institute we have broad expertise on the social, cultural, and economic ecology of South Florida.

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This report addresses the impact on Miami-Dade County of the Secure Communities program, currently one of the primary federal immigration enforcement programs administered by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) through Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

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