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Income Inequality

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At the end of 2010 Florida’s economic outlook is still uncertain. The number of jobs increased just slightly in 2010, growing by 0.6% for an addition of 43,500 jobs. However there are still over 1.1 million people unemployed in the state. This means that for every job that was added, there are still 25 people for whom there was no job. In addition the year ended with a 0.2% decline in employment from November to December.

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Cuts to unemployment benefit weeks would have disparate impact on workers of color, given the large difference in unemployment rates for Black and Hispanic workers.

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The last five months have seen steady declines in Florida’s unemployment rate, from 12% in December to 10.6% in May. The improvement leveled off in June, when the unemployment rate was unchanged. Since January 2010 the state has gained 85,500 jobs, according to seasonally adjusted figures, the longest and largest continuous gain since the recession began more than three years ago.

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Since the recession began in 2007, Florida has seen the largest increase in poverty in the nation. Three million Floridians, roughly 1 in 6 people, were living below poverty levels in 2010. In 2010, close to 1 in 4 children in the state were living in poverty.

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